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Sunday, May 19, 2013

So You Think You Can Dance: Season 10 (Weekend One)

Hey Guys!
So I have some exciting news to report!
I created a video of all So You Think You Can Dance's past season winners, that shows a clip of their auditions & then a clip of them winning and I uploaded it last night. Just like my Cyrus video, people seem to be pretty excited about it - but I gained one fan that's worth boasting about.

Benji Schwimmer! :)

After tweeting the video out to some of the highlighted winners, Benji not only favorited and retweeted the video, but also said that he "loves this!!!" I'm rather excited about it! :)

Here's the link to the video if you'd like to watch! :)

I'm going to be re-watching the auditions today and getting songs & names, so expect there to be an update to the reviews pretty soon here.

Thanks guys! :)


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