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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So You Think You Can Dance: Season 10-0

The wait is almost over!!
T O N I G H T is the first night of the two-night premiere to Season 10!!

Here are the things we do know: 

1. We get our results show back!! We were hoping that perhaps this would be the first time we've gotten two consecutive seasons of the same style and format since Season 5, but no cigar, however this change may be one for the better! Back to separate group routines, a more normal elimination pattern and none of that sadness where a dancer performs an excellent routine and then still goes home due to their performance from the previous week. Hooray! :)

2. Some All-Stars have already been confirmed for this season including Season 2's Allison, Season 3's Neil, Season 4's Twitch & Mark, Season 6's Kathryn, Season 7's Lauren & Robert, & Season 9's Whitney (yeah man)! Mark, who definitely should have been an All-Star before now, has been on tour with Lady Gaga since they implemented the All-Star system, but now that he's done, he's back home and will be an All-Star on this Season we are WAY excited!

3. Jason Derulo & Twitch (yes Twitch) have been confirmed as guest judges during the Audition portion of the season. Much like our excitement when Travis from season 2, joined the panel in Season 10, we're super happy that another Sytycd Vet will be joining panel and be able to share not only his undeniable skill, but his awesome opinions as well.

4. Nap & Tab will be back - as you all know, I'm not the biggest Nap & Tab fan, but a lot of people have been asking me if I know whether or not they're be back to choreograph numbers this season, and I can tell you that they are. My only hope is that it doesn't diminish the role of other hip-hop choreographers this season, or that they will try and tackle genre's they have no business trying to choreograph, like Dubstep or Animation. 

5. It's the 10th Anniversary of Season 10 and I'm sure some big suprises lie in wake!! :)

What We Do Not Know: 

1. Panel faves like Jesse Tyler Ferguson & Debbie Allen have not yet been confirmed. Usually by this time in the pre-season, there have been a few judges confirmed but all we have is the couple judges confirmed for the Audition piece. Not sure if this is Season 11's way of leaving more to the imagination or if we aren't going to be seeing some of our favorite regulars this season.

2. Are we limited on All-Stars? I've never seen an All-Star video as formal as the one Fox released of the All-Stars for Season 10 doing a photo shoot. Does that mean the only All-Stars we get this season are those in the video (those confirmed up above) or are those just the ones we'll be seeing lots of. It seems like Sytycd wouldn't want to leave out those All-Stars who will be coming back that didn't do the photo shoot, but it's also unlike the show to limit the Season to just a handful of All-Stars. Don't get me wrong it's a great group, but stars like Benji, Melanie, Marko, Kent, Comfort, Ryan, Nick, Pasha, Lauren (From Season 3), Ivan, Jamie, and Alex (among others) have appeared across the season, and Eliana, Chehon, and Cole from last season are three that come to mind that would be good All-Star additions. Last season, Cat "announced" some of the confirmed All-Stars around Top 10 time and formally announced about eight of the All-Stars that would appear, when in actuality the season featured 15+ All-Stars from seasons past. I hope this season is no different.

3. New Styles? One luxury from the past few seasons is that whenever a new style emerges in the audition stage, is usually makes a repeat appearance on the following seasons. This is true of Bollywood, African Jazz, and Whacking. Starting out in Season 1 the show only offered six or seven styles of dance, and it now offers over twenty! Which leaves us to wonder if the new styles Cyrus inspired, Dubstep and Animation, will appear on the show even though he's gone. It also leave us wondering if after a season of not one but TWO Ballet winners, if the show will open the door a little more for Ballet.

4. Less Chris Scott & other Hip-Hop Choreographers. Some of the greatest hip-hop routines of all time spawned out of this last season, like Cyrus & Twitch's Animation "genetically enhanced" dance, or Whitney & Twitch's East Cost Swag. Of course both of the choreographers that gave us those pieces were given larger roles due to Napoleon & Tabatha needing to take a break because of their sweet baby. We know that the hip-hop couple will be back this season, but we're hoping that doesn't mean the amazing choreographers that gave us such wonderful routines don't get a lessened or nonexistent role because of their return.

5. One or two winners? I've been trying to research the general format and I haven't been able to tell thus far if we'll stay with the two winner format or go back down to one. I'm one of the few that actually enjoyed the two winner format, so often I end the season with a favorite girl and favorite guy and I loved that we got to have one of each. It seems we've had a pretty even pool of guy winners to girl winners, but I thought having two winners was an excellent idea. Have any of you heard if there will be one or two this season?

Anyway, we're excited that this season is finally upon us. I'll see you guys later, gonna try and sign on an hour or so before the show so that I can, hopefully, upload some sort of 

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