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Thursday, June 20, 2013

To Tide Over

Hey Guys!
So for those of you who haven't seen, Sytycd Season 10 has a BANGIN' Top 20. Fik-shun & Malece are my early faves, and I have a feeling I'll be particularly critical of Bluprint & Jade this season, although I like them a fair amount. 
I'll put a full fledged critique up, hopefully tomorrow, but I have seen the Top 20 show and love things so far. For the first time in, well ever, I loved EVERY dance. Both of the Top 10s were excellent, and I think the Top 20 was one of my favorites ever! 
I know it's been a few weeks since I've been on, had a lot going on these last few weeks, but I'm gonna do my best to work it out. 
Let me know what you're thinking! :) 
I'm out! 
P.S. Cyrus was on! O__O!!